The Antiques Diva - Brunch 2024
Sunday 21th January 2024
Marché Dauphine
In 2024, the Salon Maison&Objet celebrates its 30th anniversary. Toma Clark Haines and his team are celebrating their 10th anniversary in Paris, the decoration capital. Like every year, a brunch is organized at the Marché Dauphine, the most coveted site for hunting for exceptional pieces, charming objects, rare pieces of furniture (by invitation).
The Antiques Diva® & Co
Since opening in 2008, The Antiques Diva® & Co has grown into the largest antiques buying and touring service company in the world. Offering personalized and private antiques buying tours in 16 countries across Europe, Asia and America, The Antiques Diva® & Co is aimed at both individuals (tourists) and professionals ( antique dealers and interior designers). Our team of over 25 local guides are knowledgeable about the local culture, language and the best local sources for antiques – whether local flea markets, antique warehouses or private antique stores, by appointment only.