Book Femmes mythologies by Erich Lessing and Philippe Sollers
Femmes mythologies by Erich Lessing and Philippe Sollers, Imprimerie Nationale, 1994.
Sacralized and demonized, women are goddesses, magicians, mothers and virgins, like Astarte and her Greek counterpart, Artemis, goddess of virginity, as well as Selene, who presides over childbirth, and Hecate, who presides over evil spells… As each civilization evolved, it rediscovered the pure sensual beauty of the female body: the Egyptian New Kingdom, Praxiteles and his heirs, the Gothic virgins, Simone Martini’s Virgin of the Annunciation and the great series of reclining nudes inaugurated by Giorgione: Titian, Velasquez, Goya, Manet, Gauguin, Picasso.